Polyamorous Pty Ltd Apps

Polyamorous - Dating 1.0
Swingers, polyamorous people andthoseinterested in open relationships are often criticised andrejectedon standard dating apps and websites. Here is an app forthoseinterested in more than standard monogamy. This application makes it easy to find people seekingethical,non-monogamous relationships and/or casual sex. It’s not anapp forcheaters or secret affairs! It’s for those seeking more thanonepartner in an honest, open and ethical way. Users can find potential partners using simple photo facematching.Alternatively, partners can be found with more detailedpersonalsearch criteria including geographic location. Users can live chat with potential matches and alsosendemails. Profile ‘tick-a-box’ options enable users to quickly describetheirsexual orientation and preferences in specific detail. Thissavestime and improves the chances of an appropriatematch. Orientations: (Straight, Gay, Bisexual, Asexual,Demisexual,Heteroflexible, Homoflexible, Lesbian, Pansexual,Queer,Questioning, Sapiosexual, Evolving)Preferences: (Male, Androgynous, Bigender, Cis Man, CisWoman,Genderfluid, Genderqueer, Non-binary, Transmale,Transfemale,Transsexual, Female)Users can load many photos to their profile. Naked pictures arenotallowed. Users are able to see who has recently viewedtheirprofile. The app links to thewebsite www.polyamorous.com.au wherea user can find thelocations of bars and parties where polyamorouspeople and swingersmeet face to face to have fun.
PolyFinda - Polyamorous and Op 8.1.6
Dating App for Open Relationships, Polyamory, Swingers, Threesomes,Foursomes.